» Ebook In the Market for Murder A Lady Hardcastle Mystery Book 2 edition by T E Kinsey Literature Fiction eBooks
Coleen Talley on Friday, May 24, 2019
Ebook In the Market for Murder A Lady Hardcastle Mystery Book 2 edition by T E Kinsey Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details - File Size 1832 KB
- Print Length 269 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1503938298
- Publisher Thomas & Mercer (December 20, 2016)
- Publication Date December 20, 2016
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

In the Market for Murder A Lady Hardcastle Mystery Book 2 edition by T E Kinsey Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- I want to add my grateful approbations to others in this review section. What wonderful books. Mr. Kinsey has a Facebook page, and there you can learn that what formerly were three (or four) books, have been rewritten (maybe refreshed is a better word) and are being published in hard cover.
Just finished reading (again) the second of three (published) books in this series.
Having found, and been very disappointed in, enough quickly written books in the slush/read-for-free piles to choke a horse, (as I think many other readers will agree) I understand that good books take time.There are of course the occasional gems, like these Edwardian mysteries,, which make me try over and over again. One thing I have learned though - if you get to the point where you want to fling (the un-flingable) e-book across the room, even if it is in the first chapter, stop and go on to something else. With these books I knew I had found a winner in the first paragraph.
If you like P. G. Wodehouse, Dorothy Sayers and perhaps Georgette Heyer (not her romantic side but the fun side) you will find this book delightful. There are scattered fluffy and bright conversations, and some zippy dialog (P.G.W.), good solid detecting, realistic crimes and crime scenes and a sense of place (D.S.). and a light touch (G.H.) you will rejoice in these books. When you add a well plotted and laid out story that keeps you reading, and characters that you grow to love, well voila! paragraph. A big Thank You to this author who gives us good value and then some, and I appreciate his hard work.
A little example at one point the ladies are picking mushrooms and I again wondered how one told the difference. Did you know there are You Tube videos that show exactly how to tell the difference? Of course some are better than others, but the point is I do love a book where I can learn something new! - The exceptional duo of Lady Hardcastle and her Lady's maid, Miss Armstrong are asked to assist the police Superintendent on a case in their locale. A man has dropped dead facedown into his pie at the pub at the market in a neighboring village.
First of all, the medical examiner is sure it is poison, but, perhaps he was just ill. If it is poison, what type is it? This eludes the doctor.
Then there are séances and ghosts causing mischief and pointing the finger at a new person in the Ladies' own community. And, what about the missing trophies at the Rugby club? Who stole them?
Lady Hardcastle and Flo clear off their 'Blackboard' and bake numerous cakes to solve this mystery. Also, they choose to scandalize their neighbors with their new motor car...Red, driven by themselves...Did I tell you that this takes place in Victorian England's Countryside?
This book resonates with humor. I have never 'highlighted' so many spots in a version yet. My Mother having been of a British family from the turn of the 20th Century still used many of the expressions heard within the dialog of this excellent book.
Do give it a read. The solutions will be a treat as all is solved. I hope there will be many more episodes in Lady Hardcastle and Flo's life! - Oh how I love these books. Not sure why, no gory details, no sex but pure fun. The main characters are a hoot, the diminutive lady's maid who is an expert in martial arts, the refined lady who totes a gun in her hat and a level of light hearted repartee between them all combine to make an amusing read which occasionally made me laugh out loud.
I suppose Lady Hardcasrle is the female equivalent of Lord Peter Whimsey but she is more entertaining.
Not a book for lovers of serious fiction but a pleasant interlude. When is someone going to make a TV series based on these stories?. - I enjoyed the first book and was excited about buying this one. After the first murder, it started to bug down with the assumed stealing at the club and the bit about the seance. It seemed to drag on with all the conversation about purchasing an auto, baking and traveling to Bristol.
I honestly fell asleep a couple of times before I forced myself to finish it because I knew or hoped it would get better. It did at the very end when all is revealed; but by then, I almost didn't care.
I also fund it frustrating that the author keeps referencing Emilie and Flo's former life but never gives us any backstory. Their former life sounds more exciting than their current one, but the snippets given are hardly worth the effort.
I hope one day the author decides to give the reader more incite into their past.
I'm undecided on whether I will read any more books in this series. I may give the next installment a try to see if the writing becomes tighter and more suspenseful. - I rarely give 5 stars - so why am I this time? I want you to buy these books. The are mysterious, fun and etymologically satisfying.
If you know what I just said, you will love these books.
The author admits not using "Edwardian English," because they move more smoothly in modern English. That said, There is no modern slang, just 4 well-written stories in one delicious book.
I agree that I,also, would love to see these in print so I could purchase them again. - I'm really enjoying this series. The first book caught my attention, and I loved this book. The author, and hence the characters, really find their voices in this book. Lady Hardcastle and Flo adjust to life in the country and spend more of their time on the case than learning the nuances of their new home. The author gives us plenty of clues, but none that are so over the top overt that it becomes clear from page 2 who the culprit is. Also, the mysteries don't just wrap up all nice and tidy; sometimes, even with the mystery solved, the characters acknowledge that presenting the case legally would be a challenging. A few good chuckles, lots of blowing-air-out-my-nose-slightly-faster amusement, and enough mystery to keep me guessing.
The voice, the pace, and the plot really brought me in and held my attention in this book. Highly recommended.