Download PDF It Da Bath Bomb! Your Own Recipe Book of 30 Bath Bombs! edition by Anthony Boundy Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks

Does stress wear you out by the end of the day?
Do you wish there was a non-medical way to ease that anxiety away?
Try bath bombs!
When you pop a bath bomb into your tub, it makes bathing a more relaxing experience. Bath bombs have health benefits, too, as you’ll see in these great recipes.
At bath time, drop a bath bomb into your tub and watch it fizz. It will make the whole room smell great, and you can use your favorite fragrances to customize your bath time.
Bath bombs are packed balls or other various shapes that hold an effervescing mixture that comes alive in the tub. You may also have heard them called bath fizzies.
You can buy bath bombs in stores or online, but it’s a lot cheaper to make them yourself. Plus, you’ll know ahead of time that you’ll love the essential oil scents, since you select them yourself.
Bath bombs are great for adults and children alike. I even included one that is perfect to make if your child wants to help you make one.
This book walks you through the ingredients and materials you’ll need, and details step-by-step instructions for making the perfect bath bombs. Try making one today!
Download PDF It Da Bath Bomb! Your Own Recipe Book of 30 Bath Bombs! edition by Anthony Boundy Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks
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It Da Bath Bomb! Your Own Recipe Book of 30 Bath Bombs! edition by Anthony Boundy Crafts Hobbies Home eBooks Reviews :