» Download Murder at the Car Rally 1920s Historical Cozy Mystery An Evie Parker Mystery Book 3 edition by Sonia Parin Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
Coleen Talley on Sunday, May 26, 2019
Download Murder at the Car Rally 1920s Historical Cozy Mystery An Evie Parker Mystery Book 3 edition by Sonia Parin Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Product details - File Size 1275 KB
- Print Length 214 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
- Publication Date March 19, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Murder at the Car Rally 1920s Historical Cozy Mystery An Evie Parker Mystery Book 3 edition by Sonia Parin Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
- Evie sneaks off to London without Tom one day and is accosted by a childhood friend she doesn't much like. Isabel is aggressive and competitive as well as pushy. Next thing she knows Isabel is dragging her out for meals to meet her car racing husband. On returning home, there is a whole car rally at her house in search of their friend last known to be with Evie. Evie hears that Isabel has invited herself to her home and so impromptu joins the road rally. Along the way Isabel suffers a car accident and murder is suspected leaving the whole party relying on the hospitality of a stranger. Darker motives are at work luckily Evie and her friends and employees are on the job.
- Evie has another adventure! This time she becomes involved with a group planning to attend a car rally. She and Tom Winchester never arrive due to a flat tire , a car crash, and a death in the crash. The death is a murder. Evie, Tom, her maid, and her chauffeur work to determine how the murder occurred and who did it! This is a great story of plotting, eavesdropping, sneaking around looking for clues, and general mayhem! Clever ending finds all questions answered!
- It was very engaging and the main characters were charming. It did not cross my moral lines as far as language, intimacy, etc. I like all of the Evie Parker mysteries.
- This is a new historical cozy mystery series that is becoming more and more enjoyable for those of us you enjoy them. I think you will enjoy this new book.
- Great story of a car rally, drugs and murder. We also find out what Henrietta and Sara have been up too.